Autumn in Reception
Class: Reception Year: 2018 - 2019
Autumn in Reception
This term we will be working on number rhymes and reading and writing numbers. We will work mainly on numbers to 12, then to 20 but will experience numbers to 100.
We will be doing lots of counting and sorting objects such as different 2D and 3D shapes.
We will be looking at positional vocabulary with words such as ‘under’, ‘over’ ,‘through’, ‘around’ ,‘between’ and ‘beside’.
We will be doing lots of work on letter recognition and beginning to spell some simple words. We will be practising our speaking and listening skills, during role play activities and circle time activities.
The children will bring home their first reading activities next week. We will be concentrating on learning letter sounds to help us to read and write.
Understanding the World
This half term’s topic is ‘Ourselves’. We will be looking at our bodies, our families and our friends. We will be talking about similarities and differences and learning how to get along with each other.
We will also be learning about Autumn and the changes that occur. We will go on an Autumn hunt to collect items to investigate.
After half term, our topic will be ‘Celebrations’. We will learn about different kinds of celebrations from our own and other cultures.
Expressive Arts and Design
We will be looking at ourselves and others and seeing how we can make representations of these. We will be painting self-portraits and making collages of our names. We will be using the digital camera to take photos of each other and we will be making collages of our friends.
Physical Development
We will be working on a range of physical skills both during P.E. sessions and in our Outdoor Play area. The children will learn to use a range of equipment to work on climbing and balancing skills. We will also be working on moving to music and following instructions. In the classroom we will be working on scissor and threading skills and using pencils with the correct grip.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
This term we will be learning how to be a good friend. We will look at and celebrate our similarities and differences and will learn about our class rules.